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AARP Car Insurance Review

The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) was founded more than 50 years ago for the purpose of providing retired people aged 50 and up. While being retired is optional, all AARP policyholders must be at least 50. Car insurance has the habit of getting more expensive as you reach your senior years –AARP helps to offset those increases with their own low-cost averages for such drivers. 

AARP isn’t a car insurance company in itself. Rather, they work with The Hartford, which has been in the insurance business for over 200 years. The Hartford then offers coverage options through AARP for their members. This system has been proven to work and save older drivers time and money when it comes to insurance. 

What Policyholders Say Are The Best Parts of AARP Insurance 

While AARP has a sort of exclusive customer base, that doesn’t mean it’s a small group by any means. In fact, AARP has almost 40 million members nationwide. These members praise AARP’s policy purchasing and management along with the coverage provided by The Hartford. Other reasons why these millions of drivers stick with AARP are discussed below. 

Established Customer Reputation And Positive Feedback 

Everywhere you go online is flushed with mostly positive reviews from customers of AARP. The positive reviews also mention The Hartford and how satisfying and affordable their policies are. Customers also give a lot of praise for AARP’s accident forgiveness and roadside assistance coverage products. This kind of reputation isn’t garnered overnight –it takes years of good service and professional establishment. 

Speedy And Reliable Claims Process

Not only is AARP’s insurance claims process easy for the policyholders, but it’s also done in a timely and reliable manner. Any phone messages left on the 24-hour claims assistance line will be immediately answered back, even if they are left in the dead of night. Claims are investigated by an AARP representative as they stay in the loop with the policyholder about any updates. 

Stable Insurance Company For Long-Term Coverage

Older insurance companies like AARP, with decades and decades of business and service, tend to be more stable than newer providers in the long term. As an AARP policyholder, you won’t have to worry about any collapse or sudden premium destabilization. In fact, some leading employees of AARP have government positions. Not only has their worth been proven to the free market, but also federal and state legislations.

Affordable Premiums And Discount Opportunities 

AARP insurance policies are praised as universally affordable even though they don’t always have the lowest rates in town. Policyholders can also play an active role in customizing and choosing their coverage. As with several other car insurance companies, safe drivers will save the most as they qualify for discounts and bonuses. 

How Happy People Are With AARP Insurance 

AARP has established itself as the foremost car insurance for drivers over the age of 50. The coverage and services are tailored to policyholders of this demographic. Some of these insurance services include:

  • Permanent policy renewals
  • First-year rate protection 
  • Recovery care   
  • New car replacement 
  • Car repairs for a lifetime
  • 24-hour hotline for claims 

What Policyholders Say Are The Worst Parts About AARP Insurance 

Of course, AARP’s age requirement will off-put it for a large percentage of drivers. That is the most major criticism that AARP gets. Other aspects of AARP that have received criticism are addressed in the following sections. 

Membership Can be Redundant 

AARP will still charge an annual fee for both members and nonmembers of their motor club. At the same time, just as many discounts and savings can be taken advantage of by nonmembers in comparison to members. This makes the prospect of complete AARP membership more or less redundant. 

Increased Junk Mail 

A minor criticism that AARP receives is that members receive a lot of junk mail after joining. The good news is that AARP doesn’t give out any customer information, so the ads aren’t targeted or have anything on you. Still, a full and crammed mailbox can be annoying. 

The Drivers That Benefit The Most From AARP

Drivers must be at least 50 in order to receive car insurance and get a membership with AARP. Retirement is optional, so some AARP members are still doing their daily work commutes. AARP is happy to take in senior drivers regardless of risk and match them with the most economical and reliable coverage in collaboration The Hartford. Seniors are also able to enjoy several discounts for restaurants, travel, work, and so much more. Some of AARP’s most popular benefits for policyholders are their travel agency, dental insurance, hearing center, car rental services, and so much more.            

Things to Consider When Getting Car Insurance 

You’ll find that every car insurance company prices their coverage differently, but all in a similar way. As a middle-aged to senior driver, it still helps to weigh all your options before committing to AARP. A general rule of thumb is to also keep personal factors like the following in mind as you get quoted for car insurance, as they will influence how much you pay for coverage annually. These are:

  • How much you drive in a year – Your annual mileage can serve as an indicator of risk since it’s pretty much how often you are behind the wheel. Any significant changes in how much you drive should be reported to AARP. 
  • Your credit score – There is a proven correlation between drivers with subpar credit scores and filing more claims. Your credit score also indicates how reliable you are with making monthly payments which is what car insurance is all about. 
  • Other insurance needs as you age – As you retire, your insurance needs beyond just your car will require your consideration as you make any new moves or purchases. AARP is no stranger to insuring homes and medical treatment for their policyholders and members. 

Final Thoughts About AARP Car Insurance 

If you are looking for insurance after turning 50, nearly everyone will direct you to AARP, and for good reasons, as you have read. Their budgeted and caring approach to those that often require the most coverage is what put them on the map as one of the major insurance organizations in the United States –not bad for a nonprofit group. 

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